Thursday, March 25, 2010


                                                           DO NOT WORRY
Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Though it is human to get worried over sickness, failure, unemployment, debt, bills, death of loved one, separation, delay, lack, disappointment, etc. but worry does not change anything. Instead, it leads to depression where by causing more damage to your body and to your dream. If we must overcome and move on then we must take the above scripture seriously. Let us imbibe these words;
  • PRAY
Almighty God, I thank You for accepting me and for taking worry and fear from me. I surrender my plans, my dream, my action, my reaction, my conversation, my thoughts, my feelings, my investments, my giving, my receiving, my savings, my sowing, my harvest, my relationship, my health, my job, my career, my family, my calling, ... to You in Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Waiting for Joy: How Depression Affects Married Life

Dr. David Hawkins

Director, Marriage Recovery Center

Editor's Note: Do you need sound, Biblically-based advice on an issue in your marriage or family? Dr. David Hawkins, director of the Marriage Recovery Center, will address questions from readers in his weekly column. Submit your question to

The couple arrived at our cottage late, having flown in from Tennessee to participate in a Marriage Intensive. I arrived the next morning to begin our work. After greeting and breaking the ice with small conversation, we began our work. As we began to talk I quickly noticed how far apart they sat.

Kathy, a thirty-five year old woman, sat stiffly in a single chair, while Jess, her burly husband, hugged the edge of a large sofa. I wondered if it had simply been a long flight and perhaps they were tired. Or had their years of conflict taken such a huge toll on their intimacy?

Our work began much the same as most Intensives—we began to talk about the process leading to their seeking depth marriage counseling. But this Intensive was a bit different, and I couldn't put my finger on it right away. Kathy seemed pensive, reluctant to share. It took her several moments to answer questions. I attributed it to their emotional distance, and possibly the awkwardness she felt in sharing with someone she didn't know well.

Finally, in the middle of our third session, Jess blurted it out.

"Are you going to talk about your depression?" he asked angrily, looking over at Kathy. "Are you going to tell him how you close up for days and don't talk to me?"

Kathy seemed to slump further into her chair, her eyes turning away from us. My mind started racing. I had never asked about depression. I hadn't considered the possible additional issues, contributing to the relational ones we had been focusing on.

I watched Kathy, her eyes hollow, her cheeks sunken, tears welling up. While Jess seemed annoyed, Kathy wanted to retreat.

"Kathy, please don't retreat," Jess implored. "I can't talk to you if you clam up, and the doctor can't help us if you won't talk to him."

"Well," she began slowly. "I don't know what to say. I haven't been happy for years. I've lost fifteen pounds," she said, pulling at her pants to illustrate the weight she had lost. I can't talk to him, so I retreat. Our kids are nearly grown and I gave up my job ten years ago to be with our kids. I'm lost."

"And I can't reach her," Jess said, obviously irritated. "She withdraws from me, her friends at church, our kids. Everyone has noticed it."

"I feel ashamed of how I've let things get," she said softly. "He tells me to look on the many blessings we have—and we have a lot. Two wonderful kids, a nice home, enough money. What's the matter with me?"

"Do you think it's possible you might be depressed, Kathy?" I asked questions to determine if she was suffering from clinical depression—persistent sadness, anxiety, guilt, irritability, loss of energy, lessened interest in sex, difficulty concentrating, sleep and appetite disturbance. She had them all.

"Kathy," I said slowly, "and Jess, you've been battling more than each other. Clinicial depression is a whole-body experience, affecting every part of your life, including your marriage. More than 17 million people suffer from depression, with nearly two-thirds not getting help for it. It is a very treatable problem. Women are almost twice as likely as men to experience depression. Have you gotten help?"

Both shook their heads slowly. "I've been living with it alone," she said. "He thinks I should snap out of it, choosing to have a good mood. But, I can't. I feel like I'm so alone."

Kathy put her head in her hands, lowered her head and began to sob. Jess reached out and touched her hand.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked.

"Years," Jess said softly. "She won't get help. She went to the doctor once, and they just gave her some samples of an antidepressant but she never went back."

"I almost hate to ask this question folks, but I'm going to. ‘What effect do you think this has had on your marriage?'"

"She's not here," Jess said sympathetically. "When anything happens in the family, she retreats. We call it ‘clamming up.' She won't share her pain with me, so I've gotten busy with other things and other people."

"And there's been no joy in your marriage?" I asked.

"Are you kidding?" Jess asked. "I've been waiting for joy for years. I am an optimist who finds joy in lots of little things. But, I can't enjoy them with her. She's in her own world."

Kathy continued to cry while Jess continued to stroke her hands. She received his touch and seemed to welcome the contact. We began to talk about her depression, the anger she suppressed about an affair he had earlier in their marriage, the disappointment she had over giving up her career to raise their children, the frustration she had about his work hours. She felt Jess didn't have time, or real interest in hearing her pain, and so she stuffed it, creating an even larger chasm between them.

"You folks have not only been battling each other, but an unseen enemy—depression," I said. Both looked surprised.

"Consider the distance you have both felt from each other," I said. "Jess, you've undoubtedly taken her distance personally." He nodded his head. "And Kathy, you've been feeling guilty and inadequate for your depression. You've pushed away from others as a way to cope." She nodded her head. "There is effective treatment for this, and I suspect it is going to make a radical difference in your marriage."

We continued to talk about finding a doctor who understood depression, the likelihood of getting on the right medication, and finding ways to infuse their marriage with joy.

Kathy looked over at Jess, who now looked attentively at his wife, tears filling his eyes. He held his arms open as she moved over to sit next to him on the couch.

"I'll help you with this, babe," he said. "I'll help you find a good doctor. I'll support you going to counseling. I'll look at my part in this mess."

"So, folks. Let me give you clear, direct counsel."

First, depression is a whole-body problem. It affects our thoughts, actions, feelings, relationships and even our faith-walk. It can literally take over and distort every aspect of our life.

Second, people don't ask to get this problem and they can't simply will it away. While treatment of depression is very effective, it often requires individual counseling, couples counseling as well as medications. Most people experience relief when they are willing to aggressively tackle the problem.

Third, depression impacts marriages. It steals joy and life. It robs not only the person suffering from it, but their mate, their children, their friends and family. This compounds the problem, creating even more distance, and more abandonment and isolation.

Fourth, depression is treatable. If you are willing to seek treatment through individual, couples and medication intervention, most recover. Communication in marriage improves, helping the individual rise out of their depression.

Finally, seeking God's help is critical. He is the ultimate source of our joy and promises to give to us life in abundance. Faith in God often leads to seeking wise counsel in these other areas of our lives. Developing a comprehensive treatment plan includes looking at the way we think, dealing effectively with the concrete problems in our lives, obtaining the support of our family as well as enriching our faith-life.

Finding joy is possible, though this may have been missing in your life for some time. Consider whether or not depression has been a secret part of your relationship struggles and if so, seek professional help.

Please share your thoughts on this topic of depression and finding joy in your marriage.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010



Romans 10:11 For the scripture says, Whoever believes on JESUS CHRIST will not be put to shame.
There is a pay cheque coming your way this day from the company "WHOEVER BELIEVES ON JESUS CHRIST. The amount you are to be paid is "YOU WILL NOT BE PUT TO SHAME" But you must claim it with your "I BELIEVE" identification card.
Dear beloved, no matter what you are going through right now if you believe on Jesus Christ, you will not be put to shame. New doors are about to be open in your life. Just keep on holding on to Him. He is right there with you. The question is not how long it will take for you to receive? But how long can you hold on? At that crucial point where the devil really wants you to let go off Jesus Christ is the very point of your receiving. Once the devil sees that you are about to receive, he will increase attack, depression will increase, frustration will increase, pains will increase, and fear will increase.
Thank God! Your pay is ready! Just believe and claim it. I see you coming out rejoicing.
I believe on JESUS CHRIST. He is my LORD and my personal SAVIOR. He is alive in me therefore I will not be put to shame. His blood flows through me. By His stripes I am healed. He has given me His strength therefore I can do all things. I am not afraid because greater is He that is in me than the devil in the world. I believe I am blessed above every curse and I am delivered from every power of darkness in jesus' name. I believe on You Jesus Christ that You are with me in my going out and in my coming in. I reject fear from my life, I am what the word of God says I am in Jesus' name. Amen

Monday, March 22, 2010


This message was preached by pastor Paul on Sunday March 21st 2010. Please, join us this Saturday 27th 4.00pm-6.00pm and on Sunday 10.30am-12.00pm for a fasting and prayer revival program, tagged: "Operation shout down the walls" Silent No More! Do enjoy this message and pass it on.

Ruth 1:19 So they two went until they came to Bethlehem. And it came to pass, when they were come to Bethlehem, that all the city was moved about them, and they said, Is this Naomi?
Ruth 1:20 And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.
Naomi's story is pathetic. It was a painful experience for a woman who left with her husband and with her two sons then returning without them. She witnessed her dear husband's death and she saw the burial of her two sons.
And for entire city to come out to witness the return of Naomi shows that this woman was a great person. She was good, loving, caring, motivating and she had large followers. But who they saw did not represent the Naomi they knew. They wanted Naomi to identify herself but she rejected her name. She rejected her sweet name and she accepted Mara (Bitter). The devil used four things to convince Naomi not to answer her precious name;
1.THE MEMORY OF HER PAST: At anytime Naomi wants to smile or laugh the devil will say "think of your past, think of how your husband died, think of how your only two children died and think of all that you have been through in life". And immediately Mara (bitter) will take over her. Tears of pain and bitterness were running down her eyes. She thought God has abandoned her or He is sleeping or He has gone on retirement. These are the lies the devil tells people that are passing through situations. The truth is that God is doing something about you right now. You have to speak to your past and put it behind you. You have to say "I move forward in Jesus Christ's name. Amen"
2. "IS THIS NAOMI?" : The devil used her present state to confront her, telling her " Are you still sweet (Naomi)? There is nothing right now left in you! You are not up to your mates! people are laughing at you! You have nothing! Hate yourself! When you look at yourself what do you see? Where are your values? Your qualities are gone!" These are the lies of the devil. The truth is that God is still with you. You are not alone. He is going through it with you. Say to the devil "I will get back again in Jesus' name. Amen".
3. FEAR: She was afraid of her future. Because of long period of intimidation she could not see anything good about her future. The devil used her age to confront her, telling her "There is nothing in the future for you. Age is not on your side to achieve anything. How can you do it? Your tomorrow is bad! Your tomorrow is going to end like your yesterday just as your today is ending like your yesterday. Your sweetness is gone! Your joy is gone! Accept defeat and accept Mara" But the devil is a liar. The truth about your future is that greater and better doors are about to be opened. Double restoration is coming your way soon. Just be patient and be obedient to God. Speak to your future to give birth to what you want.
4. SHE FORGOT HER DREAM: One of the most dangerous things in one's life is to forget his dream. Once you forget your dream then so many dreams will present themselves to you. They will get you confused so that you could not interpret any of them. The confusion is to push you away from God. You need to push back like Ruth. While Naomi was drifting away from God Ruth was holding on to Him. Ruth 4:14-15 And those that were laughing at Naomi came back because of Ruth to congratulate Naomi, saying "God has given you a person that is more than seven sons" As many that are laughing at you they will come soon to congratulate you. They will come to praise God with you if you hold on.
I answer my name in the name of Jesus Christ. I am holding on to you my God, I refuse to let go off my dream. I am blessed and highly favored. I push my pasts behind and I move forward. There is hope in my future. It is not too late, I can make it. And I take back all that is mine in Jesus' name. Amen

Friday, March 19, 2010

                                                       GOD SAYS
Isaiah 55:12 For you shall go out with joy. And be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Who can change what God says about you? Do not listen to the voices of defeat. But listen to the voice of your creator. This is the time we have to be on the positive side. God is a positivist and He created us in His image. He wants us to demonstrate His character. He wants us to believe His promise for us.

In a time like this when the evil one wants us to weep, we have to search out what God says about our laughter.

In a time like this when the devil wants us to be sad, we have to search out the truth about our joy.
In a time like this when our enemy wants us to be sick, we have to search out what the bible says about our healing.
In a time like this when the devourer wants us to lack financially and materially, we have to accept what God says about this.

The truth about you is what God says about you. Pick up your bible and search out what God says about your situation and use it to pray.
Almighty God, I come to you this moment to surrender my character before You and I accept Your character. I accept Your Words concerning me. I am blessed above every curse. In the name of Jesus Christ I manifest my authority and I take back what is mine. Amen.
                                        PAUL ODAFE WHISKEY
G.T.P MINISTRIES                                                     CHRIST LOVE FAMILY

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Prayer Power

Gwen Smith
Today's Truth

"Pray continually" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Friend To Friend

Over the past few years, my spiritual life has changed dramatically. I've witnessed the LORD move in amazing ways, and have felt His hand guide me like never before. What's the big secret? Why the big change? Simple: prayer. There is unexplainable power in prayer.

No, prayer isn't new to me. I've prayed ever since I was a child. But even though I love God, I often struggled to remain focused during my quiet time ... or to even carve out a daily quiet time, for that matter. My creative mind has a strong tendency to wander. So a few years back, I began keeping a prayer journal and my faith has really grown as a result.

My journal isn't fancy or expensive, just a notebook that can be picked up anywhere, but it has been a power tool for God's movement in and through my life. By keeping my heart focused in prayer, my journal has fanned the flame of my prayers, and has fueled the fire in my soul to connect with our active and living God who longs to be the center of our attention.

It's not rocket science and there aren't any special tricks. A prayer journal can be an effective tool for spiritual growth, but the power is in the praying. How do I put my power tool to work? I start off by writing the date. I then jot down who I want to pray for and what I want to pray about. I also love to write out Scripture passages that have spoken to my heart. Then I go to my Father- focused and fearless. God is the source of all power, and prayer is essential to experiencing His power in our lives.

Martin Luther said, "As it is the business of tailors to make clothes, and of cobblers to mend shoes, so it is the business of Christians to pray." Prayer moves the hand of God, yet, statistically; most Christians spend less than 5 minutes a day in prayer. That's just crazy! Why would we expect God to show His power in our lives if we don't give Him more time than we spend brushing our teeth each day?

Are you experiencing the power of God in your life? Would you like more strength, peace and direction in your days? God wants you to come to Him in prayer: when you are hurting, when you are angry, when you need direction, when you need answers, when you need hope, when you need healing. He wants you to come to Him for forgiveness, courage, strength, confidence, and perspective. Come with praise, adoration, humility, honor, and worship.

So - grab a journal and focus your heart and thoughts on God . The main thing is to get alone with God. He just wants you to come.

A GIG PLEDGE: Let's commit together to spend more time on our knees! Raise your right hand and say out loud: "Lord, it is my sincere intention to seek you more fervently from this moment on.." God assures us, that when we seek Him, we will find Him! As Girlfriends in God, we are growing rapidly in numbers. All around the globe, close to 200,000 women join together in devotion to seek God's face. As we grow in width, may we, as GiGs, also grow in depth. I pray that we will each seek Him and experience His powerful and presence daily.

Let's Pray

Holy Father, thank You for allowing me to come to You in prayer today. I humbly bow before Your throne of grace and ask that You would forgive me for all of the times I have failed to come. I need You more than I know. Please help me experience the fullness of Your life-changing presence in a fresh and powerful way.

For Your glory and In Jesus' Name,


Now It's Your Turn

Consider keeping a prayer journal. Grab a pen and a notebook and get started! If you don't know where to start, use this as a template to begin:

Begin reading the Psalms during your quiet time. Journal what you learn and write down the verses that stir your heart. (There are 150 of them and if you meditate on one or two each day, you could be kept busy for a few months!)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


2Timothy 2:12 If we suffer, we shall also reign with JESUS CHRIST, if we deny HIM, HE also will deny us:
My Dear Beloved, though the wind is blowing contrary to our direction, trying to pull our hands away from our dreams but please, do not give up. We have to keep on pushing. Let us focus on our destination. Our LORD JESUS CHRIST had led the way for us to arrive and we shall arrive no matter what if we do not quit.
Suffering is a process of enjoyment. It is not a reason to deny JESUS CHRIST but it is an experience that enables us to reign with the KING of Kings. You are not alone in this process, JESUS CHRIST is going through it with you right now.

I see you smiling over contrary wind today. I see you rejoicing even in the midst of storms. And I see you taking back your throne. It is your turn to reign. Reign! Nothing can stop you! You are the Light of the world therefore shine. Put behind you all that you have been through and hold on to your faith. Let us pray.

Psalm 119:133 Order my steps in Your word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me. In the name of Jesus Christ I over come every distraction. I refuse to compromise my faith. I take back my position as a believer. I am meant to reign with my LORD Jesus Christ therefore I reign with Him. Holy Spirit of the Living God You are with me in all that I shall say and do therefore I reign in Jesus'name. Amen.

Monday, March 15, 2010


We are living in a world where almost everyone is focusing on himself. Everyone is striving for what will benefit him or her. Satan has turned peoples' eyes on themselves. The love of many has waxed cold because of situations of life. Right now someone is confused, he doesn't know who to turn to. His once trusted friends have disappointed him. His best has turned his back on him. He doesn't know who to trust anymore, no one to tell his painful story to. His everyday tears and fear have entitled his story as "Shattered dream".
At the very point of quitting, there is a good news. And the good news says "Cast your burden on the LORD and He shall sustain you. He shall never permit the righteous to be moved" Psalm 55:22
Oh'God my creator! I believe Your word that says "Cast your burden on the LORD and He shall sustain you" Therefore today I cast all my burdens on You. I hold on to You Jesus Christ, therefore nothing can move me from my position of joy, redemption, peace, healing, restoration, deliverance, revival and favour. Today I take back what is mine in Jesus' name. Amen

Dear beloved, please, do enjoy this video clip "Cast your burdens" by the watoto children choir.
                                                WHISKEY ODAFE PAUL
                                                    General co-ordinator

G.T.P MINISTRIES                         CHRIST LOVE FAMILY   
We Preach The Gospel Through Acting               One Love In Christ We Stand

Tuesday, March 9, 2010



2Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

The presence of the Holy Spirit brings deliverance from every yoke of bondage. "In His presence there is the fullness of joy"

The presence of the Holy Spirit manifests healing, Restoration, Revival, Redemption, Abundance, Strength, Wisdom, Victory, Revelation, Determination, Patience, Joy and peace.

Our mistake is that we often cry for LIBERTY instead of the HOLY SPIRIT that brings the Liberty. If we have the Holy Spirit of God we have all. Our prayer today should be "I need Your Holy Spirit Oh' God!"


Almighty God, I come to you today to present my body to you as your Temple and as the dwelling place of Your Holy Spirit. I know that Jesus Christ had paid for this body therefore it is no longer mine but Yours. Please, accept this body and fulfill Your promise of pouring Your Holy Spirit on me. Thank You my Lord Jesus Christ for accepting my body. Welcome Holy Spirit to this body, Your dwelling place. Now I am free! I am delivered! I am healed! I am restored! I am not alone! I am blessed! I have victory! I have joy! I can actualize my dream through Christ that strengthens me. And I am stepping out to bless others in Jesus' name. Amen

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010



If you direct the fiery emotion of anger in the right way, it can motivate you to accomplish something good. But if you let it burn out of control, its flames will damage your life and relationships with others.
So it's crucial to keep your cool when your anger is hot. Here's how:
Recognize your responsibility. Admit that the way you're managing anger is causing problems in your life. Tell the truth to yourself, other people in your life, and God. Let the people you've hurt through your anger know that you plan to make better choices from now on.
Repent. Agree with God that you've been dealing with your anger in sinful ways. Commit to turn away from your wrong attitudes and actions, and ask God to give you forgiveness and grace.
Find what fuels your anger. Anger is a secondary emotion that's triggered when something is wrong and needs your attention. So identify where your anger is coming from. Is the source hurt, injustice, fear, or frustration? Then you'll know what problems you need to solve. Pursue healing for whatever sources of anger God reveals to you (such as childhood wounds or a spouse's betrayal).
Seek help. Join some other people who can provide support, encouragement, and accountability as you learn how to manage anger in healthier ways. Don't isolate yourself; realize that you need others to help you throughout the change process.
Diffuse defensive anger. Hand your hurts over to God instead of holding onto them, so you won't have the pressure of defensive anger making you feel explosive. Choose your battles carefully, asking yourself: "Am I in the right?", "What benefit will come from fighting this battle?", "Even if I succeed, will it do more harm than good?", and "How would Jesus respond to this situation?". Recognize that a life of angry defensiveness can't drive out pain and fear; only God's healing grace can do that. So let God take the responsibility for your defense.
Let go of attempts to control. When something doesn't go your way, don't react with destructive anger. Instead, pray about the situation and trust God to work it out according to His will, which is best. Change whatever situations you can and release those you can't change to God. Let go of the heavy, unnecessary burden of trying to control your life. When you choose to trust God, you'll experience peace that will end your angry turmoil.
Douse self-inflicted flames. Deal with any unhealthy attitudes that may be causing you to get angry at yourself. Get rid of attitudes like shame, perfectionism, and condemnation. Ask God to help you see yourself as He sees you. Then make decisions based on the real confidence you have in Christ.
Stop fuming at the Father. When you're struggling with pain and don't understand why God has allowed it in your life, you may feel angry at God. While that anger is misdirected (since God always has your best interests in mind and grieves along with you when you're hurt), God invites you to express it to Him, since He wants a close, open, and honest relationship with you. Pour out your heart to God. Cling to His promise that all of your suffering has a good purpose. Remember who God is, and that His character will never change, so you can always count on Him to love and help you.
Resolve your anger. Figure out who you're really angry with or what you're really angry about, and why. Rather than just reacting according to however you feel, stop to think about how to respond appropriately. Pray for God to give you His perspective on the situation so you can think clearly and accurately about it. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and help to accomplish God's will, not yours. Admit your inner needs (such as for love, significance, and security), and rather than getting angry about other people's failures to meet those needs, turn to God to get them met. When confronting people who have made you angry, do so in love and with the goal of solving problems through positive, respectful, and constructive conversations. Call a timeout to conversations that become too heated and talk again once you've all calmed down. Try to think in advance of appropriate, productive responses for dealing with your emotions when they get too hot, so you'll be prepared for the next time you encounter a situation that makes you feel angry. Approach God with a humble heart, asking Him to change your hurtful behavior when dealing with anger, and to strengthen your character to help you become more like Jesus.
Forgive. If your anger is caused by bitterness over people who have hurt or offended you, choose to forgive them with God's help to free yourself from destructive anger. Replace your anger with trust in God's love, work to restore the relationships when possible, and rejoice that God will bring something good out of what you've suffered in the past when you're faithful to forgive.
Deal wisely with hot-tempered people. Set boundaries to protect yourself from being burned by the flames of other people's out-of-control anger. Stay calm when around someone in a rage; don't allow someone else's anger to ignite your own. Leave immediately if you feel threatened. If you must deal with an unhealthy angry person on a regular basis (such as your spouse or boss), seek support from friends, family members, your pastor, a counselor, and even the police if necessary to protect yourself against physical violence.
Fight for what's right. Channel the anger you feel about injustice into positive change whenever you can. Ask God to help you identify your goal (concentrating on what you actually can achieve, rather than changes that are beyond your power). Pray for God to empower you to fulfill His purposes in the situation. Use your anger as motivation to fight for justice - God's will - to be done.