Monday, May 6, 2013



Luke 21:34  "Constantly be on your guard so that your hearts will not be loaded down with self-indulgence, drunkenness, and the worries of this life, or that day will take you by surprise

Dear beloved,

There is a day which almost everyone is aware of. A day which almost everyone is afraid of. There is a day which some are eagerly looking forward to, a day which some never wish to see or experience and others have different opinion of that day.  A great day which no one knows when but the signs of its closeness are known. We can see and feel the signs of that great day.

Everyone is highly under attack right now because of that great day. Our Lord, JESUS CHRIST warned us to be on our guard, for that day will come by surprise.  He warned us that when the day is approaching, Satan will attack us with the spirits of, “SELF-INDULGENCE, DRUNKENNESS and WORRIES OF LIFE”.  Today, Satan is effectively using these three spirits to prevent people from focusing on the things of God.  

SELF-INDULGENCE = Today almost everyone is after what will benefit them physically, focusing on self (selfishness)

DRUNKENNESS  =  Party, worldly excitement plus weakness (socializing instead of fellowship with the HOLY SPIRIT)

 WORRIES OF LIFE =  The global economy is not getting better moreover everyone wants the best.  The ability to wait on God is getting weak. Frustration and desperation are increasing every moment.  Expectations are not met on time, people are becoming hopeless and doubtful.

Satan is smart and sensitive, look at how he is manipulating people out of their destinies. And the question is how many are ready for that day, the second coming of JESUS CHRIST?

Let us take our stand for that day. Do not compromise because of situations, hold on to your faith. God the provider is with you. He will not allow you to be put to shame as long as you put your trust on Him.

Please, join us this Sunday at CHRIST LOVE FAMILY, with your friends and relatives to join other Christians at 55 Sunset Park, Western Paradise. 10.00AM  in a joyful fellowship with the HOLY SPIRIT. We love you! See you there!

Friday, May 3, 2013


God created you to help those who have lost the vision of helping others. God did not create you to receive help. Some persons walk into churches because they need physical help, they just want the church to provide everything for them instead of looking up to God through Jesus Christ. The church is to help you to come out of yourself to help others. "Seek first the kingdom of God and every other things shall be added to you". Until you take your divine position of helping in your church, you will continue to move from church to church searching for help and eventually end up at home not attending any church. You will continue to blame people, yourself and God for your problems. What you are created to give is already in you

Monday, April 29, 2013



 Dear Brethren,
God wants us to understand this season and this generation which
  we are. We are in a generation of “SELFISHNESS”. A generation where Satan turns people every day to focus on themselves. When the people focus on themselves they lose the vision of God.  While the antichrist agents (UNIBAM),  the gay community “human right organisations” are becoming more desperate,
forceful and more united, the body of Christ are becoming more divided,
self-centred, backbiting and pulling each other down.  The
bible says, that “Lawlessness will increase and the love of many shall wax cold” . 

Last Saturday was our movie night, we showed this movie
“ESCAPE FROM HELL”  in it there is a blind lady who got
knocked down by a vehicle and she died.  She appeared in Heaven not as blind but she could see the glory of God and the angel called her “the daughter of the
most high God”.  In the movie also is a man who was a good husband, a wonderful father, he was good to people but he did not have Jesus Christ in him. He died and went to hell fire.

Being  a Christian is to know your place in Christ. If you are not a foundation layer then you must be a builder. A Christian is a person who allows Jesus Christ to dwell in him and to do things through him.

Denominations are not recognized in heaven. Titles are not
  recognized in heaven. Financial and material wealth are not recognized in
  heaven. The material things that we struggle after , we cannot take any of them
  along when we die.

You might be going through some trials right now, just know your
place in Christ and say “I know my place in Christ”. 
Do not allow situation of life dictate your Christian faith.  Life
on earth is brief but we have eternal life through Christ Jesus.

Please, let me share with you the following scriptures below.

Ecclesiastes 5:15  As he came forth
of his mother's womb, naked shall he return to go as he came, and shall take
nothing of his labour, which he may carry away in his hand.

Job  1:21  And said, Naked  came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return  thither…

 Psalm  49:17  For when he dies
he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend after him.

Luke  12:20  But God said unto him, Thou
fool, this night thy soul shall be required of
thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast

 1Ti  6:7  For we brought  nothing into this  world, and it is
certain we can carry nothing out.

2Ti 3:1  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2Ti  3:2  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient  to parents, unthankful, unholy,

2Ti  3:3  Without natural  affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
2Ti  3:4  Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
2Ti  3:5  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
2Ti  4:1  I charge  thee  therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2Ti  4:2  Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
2Ti  4:3  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2Ti  4:4  And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
2Ti  4:5  But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

Luke 10:20  Nevertheless in this rejoice not, that the spirits are
  subject unto you; but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

Mat 24:12  And because iniquity shall be multiplied, the love of the
many shall wax cold.

Mat  24:13  But he that endures to the end, the same shall be saved.

Monday, April 15, 2013



Philippians 4:19  But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Today, God said I should tell you that He knows all your need, He knows your struggles, He knows your weakness and strength, He sees your going out and coming in and He hears when you pray. 

He wants you to know that He won’t forsake you because He had made a covenant through JESUS CHRIST that He won’t forsake you. He wants you to be patient and wait for the manifestation of your blessings. And in conclusion He said “do not compromise but believe that I will supply all your need according to my Glory by Christ Jesus”.

As you go through all your daily activities today, continue to meditate and confess to yourself “ My God shall supply all my need according to His riches in Glory by CHRIST JESUS”.

Please, for more inspirational and devotional materials visit us at


Saturday, April 13, 2013



Psalm 71:16-17  I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD: I  will make mention of His righteousness, even of  Him only.
  O God, You have taught me from my youth and since then have I  continue to declare Your wondrous works

Several times we tried to lift up loads that are meant for God to lift up. And the reason why we failed to lift up certain loads is that we compare the magnitude of the load to our strength.  We are not to manifest  our strength but God's STRENGTH. Every load before us is meant to be lifted by God's HANDS through us. All we need do is to allow the Mighty HANDS of the AMIGHTY GOD operate through us.
For the strength of God to manifest through you, you must first of all recognize the STRENGTH of God. Secondly, see and feel the STRENGTH in you. Thirdly, praise God for His STRENGTH. And fourthly , be proud and be boastful of the STRENGTH of GOD in you.  Let us consider what Apostle Paul said in this scripture:

Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through Christ which  strengthens me

Sunday, March 31, 2013



The Price For My Joy

2 Corinthians 5:17: Therefore if any man be in Christ, He is a new creature: Old things have passed away and behold, all things have become new.

My name is Betty Santos, I am 37 years old. I thank the Almighty God for keeping me alive to tell you my true life story.

I was born in Georgeville Village in Belize, Central America. I am the fourth of fourteen children from both parents. My mom was five months pregnant with me when my father migrated to the United States. My mom, becoming a single parent with four children and wanting a better life for us, decided to leave me along with my other siblings in the care of our paternal grandparents.

Life with my grandparents is a memorable experience, I often reminisce on those glorious days. My grandfather despite having one hand, toiled hard on his farms to provide for us, never one day did we go hungry. My grandmother on the other hand would remain at home taking care of her multiple grandchildren, something she enjoyed and loved doing. I was my grandmother’s prize and joy; I can recall intense arguments among my grandmother and my aunts over me. My aunts would say: “Remember Ma, Betty is not your only grandchild”. I was a saint in the eyes of my grandmother “My Mama” as we used to call her.

My Mama instilled moral value in me. I grew up in the Anglican faith. I cannot recall her going to church, but attending church was her number one priority for her grandchildren. Living in a small community where there was no recreation especially for children; therefore, we looked forward for Sundays to get out of the house. In our home there were set rules and guidelines especially when it came to serving God. Every morning we had to repeat Psalm 23 “The Lord is my Shepherd” in My Mama’s presence. I can recall at the tender age of five years repeating the entire Psalm and getting a sweet as my reward.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

My grandmother loved me unconditionally; but even with all her love, on the inside I was burning up with a sense of emptiness. It’s like a puzzle game, as you get to the last piece and you realize you can’t find it; that was how I felt.  I was living my life with a piece missing and it was eating me alive every single day, but nobody knew. That missing piece was my mother’s presence, love and affection. Finally, when I was about six years old, my dream came true and I got the opportunity to spend the summer vacation with my mom in Belize. However, my dream was short-lived.  My mom had already had four additional children and was a single parent again, and was therefore unable to give me the love and attention I was so desperately seeking from her. I was disappointed and felt lost, abandoned and confused.  I was happy to go back to my grandmother when summer ended.

Isaiah 49:15 Can a woman forget her nursing child even these may forget, but I will not forget you.

As my grandparents grew older and feebler they couldn’t care for me anymore, and at 10 years old, I was sent to live with my mother.  Instantly, my world came crashing down and I began to miss my grandparents.  My mother struggled to make ends meet and provide for us. We later moved to Ladyville village in a shack that my sixteen year old brother built.  We lived in poverty and constant discomfort. I recall our daily meals were the waste food from the British Forces dumpsite we use to call “jungle”. The one bed room house was too small for seven children; my bed was the floor, yes the floor. It was hard and uneven I would wake up with aches and pains. Whenever it rained we would get wet because the roof was not properly built.  I struggled to fit in and felt as if I didn’t belong.  I felt that my mom did not show me the love and affection she did the others, and I resented her for it. Every day was getting harder for me to live with her, but I had a little ray of hope that maybe one day the Lord would remember me, and bless me with the strength to make it. 

Psalm 106:4 Remember me, LORD, when you show favor to your people; come near and rescue me.

My mom didn’t go to church and did not pressure us to go, so I attended when I wanted to. I became active in Victory Assembly of God church in Ladyville; I found solace in the church as it became a means for me to escape the pain and be in the company of people who loved and cared for me. I was a good girl who did all the right things and followed God to the best of my ability. I believed in God but I did not really know Him, His nature, His love or His power.

1 John 3:1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
I attended Ladyville Roman Catholic School;   I sat the PSE exam and thankfully I passed. I was feeling very happy and proud of my accomplishment and was anxious to give my mom the good news but my heart was shattered into pieces when my mom told me that she could not afford to send me to high school. I knew that this meant that I would have to find a job.  I shouted out to God for help, I was so confused. I was determined to attend high school and nothing would stop me. I spent time in deep prayer, and then set out feeling armed by God in searched for a high school to attend.  I can remember passing Pallotti high school but I didn’t stop there. In my mind the school was too big and I figure the fees would be high. I walked further down and found Nazarene High School; I smiled, this was the school! It was smaller and I knew the fees would be smaller too. With the assistance of a friend’s mother, who was there at the time, I was instantly accepted. The principal’s only concern was if I would be able to meet the fees. I can recall saying to him “GOD will provide”.  And God did provide for me.

Proverbs 3:5-6 In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.

While I was in fourth form, my mom left home and I had to take on the role of mother to my siblings, even as I worked hard to do well in school. It was a time of great struggle and suffering for me, I had numerous nightmares. I continued to be successful in school despite of my hardship. I always envied the popular kids in my class, and felt disconnected and different from them, I just couldn’t fit in. Many days my lunch was my book, I would sit on the step at the back of the school reading or studying because I didn’t have money to buy lunch. I graduated the salutatorian of my class: “what an honor!” But I could not take pleasure in the magnitude of my accomplishment because I had little hope in my heart about my future.  My dreams went beyond high school and I felt that my chances of further education were nil.   Immediately after graduation I got a job. Thanks to God, my life was taking a turn and starting to look good. 

Psalm 53:2
God looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.

In 1990, I met the man who would become my husband and thought that now I’ve found love. Everything was working according to my plan, and I felt I no longer needed God’s help.  I quickly forgot that it was He who had brought me to this point. I gave up church, and put my energies into arranging my future with my partner and new home.  But my happiness was just temporary; it wasn’t long before I started to feel unloved by my husband.  It seemed that life was all about his wants and needs, and I unsuccessfully tried all I could to support him. We grew apart within two years. We were existing but not living.  Through all the lying and cheating, I still loved him; my heart belonged to only him and I tried to withstand all the emotional and mental pain I was experiencing. Eventually I couldn’t endure the silent suffering anymore and I started to detest him, while at the same time questioning my own self.  I became afraid to love, and isolated myself, even from friends.  I just kept to myself and didn’t open my heart to anyone. I lived a life filled with loneliness and tears.

Psalm 6:6-7 I am worn out with grief every night, my bed is damp, my pillow soaked with tears, I can hardly see. My eyes are swollen from weeping…

In 1993 I decided that it was time to have a baby. I wanted someone to call my own and love.  The relationship was still rocky, but I was prepared to be a single parent if necessary.  I was tired of being alone. After two years of trying, God blessed me with a beautiful baby girl, Shaniqua. She is my world, we are inseparable. This bundle of joy brought unity, calm and peace in our home for only a short period. It wasn’t long before my husband started on his destructive path again with his friends. Around this time I started to hear the call of Jesus again, but I was too taken up to devote time to him. I had so much to accomplish and my problems just tumbled about me. I didn’t even have time to pray.  

Colossians 4:2 Devote yourselves to prayer; be watchful and thankful.

Shortly afterwards, my mom was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Due to complications from the disease, her two feet were later amputated and she started to lose her vision. She needed my assistance but I had an unforgiving heart towards her, I could not forget my sufferings caused by her neglect, I really battled with the bitterness I had held in my heart for so long. Never-the-less I had to care for her. I opened my heart and home to her realizing that God had a plan for bringing us together. I slowly started to see good things in my mom and grew to admire the strength she displayed, despite her illness. My mom and I reconciled with each other and she became my role model and my best friend. Finally, I was her little girl and our love for each grew.

John 13:15 Jesus said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you”.

While attending the University of Belize my mother became gravely ill and was hospitalized for immediate surgery. My emotions were raging. I refused to think that she would be anything but ok, especially since we were just starting to bond and love each other. The surgery revealed that she had colon cancer. I stayed at my mom’s side while she was in the hospital; she only wanted to see me, her little daughter. Five days after her surgery, I left her bedside to get some rest.  During my absence my mom passed. Her death took a toll on my life. I mourned her deeply and became angry with God. How could he take my mom away from me?

Psalm 88:12 Is your love proclaimed in the grave, your fidelity in the tomb?

Even though I believe that she knew I loved her, I never got the opportunity to say, “I love you” or to call her “mom” and now she is gone. I sunk into depression, which affected even my precious little girl. I got gravely ill and had to be flown to Merida. Tests revealed that I had had two aneurysms and immediate brain surgery was necessary or I would eventually elapse into a coma and die.

It was then that I turned to God; I prayed liked I had never prayed before. I found myself in a corner with no way out! Now I find the time to pray. Accompanying me was some family members who were Christians.  Having them around me made a lot of difference, we all prayed, laughed and cried together. I also had my quiet time with God. He had been talking to me all along but I wasn’t listening.  I was too busy to hear His call and surrender to His plans.

I was wheeled into surgery one day before the one-year anniversary of my mother’s death. I could see the distraught look on the faces of my relatives, but I was at peace, I was so relaxed going into surgery. The entire time I was praying, I asked God to come into my life and forgive me of all my sins, cleanse my soul and make me pure.

Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

I said God; if I should die today I want to die with you in my heart. God please take care of my only child and let your will be done.” Immediately I felt as if my spirit left my body and place itself at the foot of an image of Jesus, which was hanging on the wall. I can recall looking up on the image and begging God for his mercy and forgiveness.  I literally saw the image of Jesus smiling reassuringly back at me. I knew at that moment that I would be ok.  In my heart I heard Him telling me “I have you covered with my blood.”

According to the doctors my chance of survival or a complete recovery was nil. I know that God breathe his own breath back into me because he has a purpose for my life. My healing remains a living testament of the miraculous works of Jesus Christ. 

Romans 8:11 “ If the one who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the one who raised Jesus Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also, through his spirit that dwells in you”.

This amazing experience helped me to realize that I needed to build a relationship with God and change many things in my life; most importantly to seek forgiveness and discover true love for God, myself and others.  I was burden down with sorrows and pain, wanting to face the world on my own. Now I am able to recognize when the Enemy threatens and draw on God’s grace to keep me safe.

 I then got an invitation to attend the St. Martin’s Christ Renewed his parish retreat. I was hesitant at first to attend the retreat; then I realized that God was speaking to my stubborn heart and I had to obey.

Psalm 95:7  If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.

Attending the retreat has a lasting effect on my life. I am now able to replaced bitterness, wrath and anger with kindness, tenderness and forgiveness. My faith in God and my commitment to serving him has increase tremendously. This has strengthened me to live a life of victory over temptations. I am now aware of the presence of Christ and the filling of the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 40:2 “ the Lord lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire, He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”

 I am learning God’s word, which is a compass to guide me through life.  This time I will allow Him to lead and will not try to do it on my own. God continues to reveal wonders in my life.  He has given me new spiritual eyes as I was blessed with the gift of giving.  Jesus is real for me, life is not about me anymore it’s about serving God and serving others. Jesus instructed me to lay down my life for the sheep if I want to be a good shepherd and I have to obey. The relationship I have with Jesus led me to sharing with those with whom I come in contact with. I live a happier and more harmonious life, free from constant tension and strain and free from fear and anxiety because I know that God is in control. I am aware of my true inner being and expanding, my consciousness of God and Life. This enables me to handle emotions with honesty and maturity. 

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declare the lord, Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give hope and a future.”

  My life is transformed; I am a new person in Christ who strengthens me. When I look at people who have done me wrong, I now find my bitterness and resentment heart being transformed into loving compassion.  In the darkness of my earlier life, where everything was unknown, I had faced the power of sin on my own but now I have Jesus Christ. My relationship with God helped me to speak the truth, I don’t allow my emotions to lead to sin and I try to give more of myself. He has healed my body and now I cannot help but testify that Jesus is Lord and forever and ever He reigns. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013



My name is James. I and my wife Sandra got married 14yrs ago and since then we had no child. As Christians, we still believed God for a baby at the due time. Finally, my wife got pregnant and everything was alright. On the day of delivery, I was driving her to the hospital and suddenly our car collided with an on-coming lorry and we had a fatal accident. My sister narrated it thus:

''We had a call from the police through the identification found on you that you and Sandra were in the hospital. When we came to the hospital, the Doctor asked us to sign some documents so that an operation could be performed on Sandra to bring the baby out. The baby came out alive but Sandra was declared dead while I was in comma with my two legs broken. In the night, a man clothed in white appeared to me and touched my head. From that moment, I started sneezing. After 5mins, I sat up and became a little strong. Then I asked, 'where is my wife'? Then, ...somebody the next door started sneezing too. That was Sandra. 'She's alive, she's alive', the nurses shouted. Sandra also narrated that the same man clothed in white who touched my head also touched her head. Few days later we were discharged from the hospital. My broken legs have also been restored and I can walk perfectly too.

Today, I, Sandra and our daughter named Miracle are all alive. What was supposed to be our happiest day turned out to be a sorrowful day but we thank God for today. Ladies and gentlemen, God exists and still performs miracles, even the miracle of bringing the dead to live.

Now I decree that:
1. Nothing will cut your joy short on the happiest day of your life in Jesus name.
2. I command every dead thing in your life to come back alive in Jesus name.
3. This year, may you receive a miracle that will attract the attention of the world in Jesus mighty name. Type AMEN in the comment box to claim these prayers.

Share this testimony.

My name is James. I and my wife Sandra got married 14yrs ago and since then we had no child. As Christians, we still believed God for a baby at the due time. Finally, my wife got pregnant and everything was alright. On the day of delivery, I was driving her to the hospital and suddenly our car collided with an on-coming lorry and we had a fatal accident. My sister narrated it thus:

''We had a call from the police through the identification found on you that you and Sandra were in the hospital. When we came to the hospital, the Doctor asked us to sign some documents so that an operation could be performed on Sandra to bring the baby out. The baby came out alive but Sandra was declared dead while I was in comma with my two legs broken. In the night, a man clothed in white appeared to me and touched my head. From that moment, I started sneezing. After 5mins, I sat up and became a little strong. Then I asked, 'where is my wife'? Then, somebody the next door started sneezing too. That was Sandra. 'She's alive, she's alive', the nurses shouted. Sandra also narrated that the same man clothed in white who touched my head also touched her head. Few days later we were discharged from the hospital. My broken legs have also been restored and I can walk perfectly too.

Today, I, Sandra and our daughter named Miracle are all alive. What was supposed to be our happiest day turned out to be a sorrowful day but we thank God for today. Ladies and gentlemen, God exists and still performs miracles, even the miracle of bringing the dead to live.

Now I decree that:
1. Nothing will cut your joy short on the happiest day of your life in Jesus name.
2. I command every dead thing in your life to come back alive in Jesus name.
3. This year, may you receive a miracle that will attract the attention of the world in Jesus mighty name. Type AMEN in the comment box to claim these prayers.

Share this testimony.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I know death is the debt everyone must pay one day but I was not expecting it to knock at my door soon. Though he is always the unexpected visitor but when you know the number of days left for you to spend with the people who you love is another scenario. I also know that every man dies with his plan but I still have so much to accomplish.
Different thoughts went through me as I was returning from the hospital. The doctor just told me that the prostate cancer is spreading fast in my body and that there is little they can really do for me right now. What is more frustrating than when you see the physicians, the professionals and the experts given up on you? It was a pronouncement of death. As I tried to stand up I fell back on the chair. I spent twenty minutes there asking God “Why me? Why?”
I knew it will be hard for me to break the sad news to my family. “My little kids, how would they take it?” How would they feel when they know that their dear daddy will be leaving them soon and they will never see him again? What about my house mortgage who would pay it? That means they are going to throw out my family? What about my business plan with my wife? And how would she carry the family’s load alone? Will she get married to another man? How would the man handle my kids? “Different thoughts and questions were running through me. I was so confused. As I was walking home and talking to myself, the voice in me was soliloquizing “I don’t want to die” Then suddenly I heard a voice from behind saying “Do not say that!” I turned to see where it was coming from, behold it was an old man walking behind me. I then out of curiosity asked him if he was talking to me. He answered “Yes!” “Change what you are saying to yourself, I do not want to die, to I will not die!” Then I said “Thank you.” It was after a little walk that I began to wonder of how the strange old man knew exactly what I was thinking in my mind. So I turned to ask him but there was no one on the quiet straight street. I thought I was going mad but I saw him and he spoke to me.
Without hesitation and doubting I concluded that God has answered my prayers and that old man is an Angel of God sent to me. Then I heard myself saying “I believe it! I will not die! The news I am taking to my family right now is I will not die”
When I got home, my kids ran to me and they were all asking “How come daddy is so happy today?” I replied “it is because I will not die!” My little daughter of eight years then said “Yes! Daddy! You will not die, you will live with us.”
It was a real battle because at interval the devil walks in to say “You have few days to live, remember what the doctor said about the cancer in your body?” I knew that the devil was trying to slow me down so that he could kill me slowly but I refused to listen to him, instead I keep on reciting what the old man told me, “I will not die! I will not die!” Even in my dream I heard myself saying “I will not die! I will not die”.
I do not know who is reading this right now but if God can do it for me, He will do it for you. My miracle made a team of experience medical doctors to believe on miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ. Two months after I was clinically condemned, I went back again for a check-up. The doctor could not believe what he saw, he then invited other doctors in to check me over and over. The cancer has disappeared. No trace of it, thank you God! Thank you Jesus! It is now four years and I am cancer free! I am cancer free!
God is constantly reminding us that there is power in our tongue. Once we change our thinking then our words will change. Once our words change then our body system will change. “As a man thinks so he is” Jesus Christ said “Behold I have given you the power and the authority to trample on serpents and on scorpions, power over all principalities and over all powers of darkness and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19).
There must be an agreement between your spirit and your body in touching a thing to get it establish. Your destiny is in the hands of God. Your time has not come. Confess to your life what you desire.