Monday, May 2, 2011


This message was preached on Sunday by Pastor Paul and he is sharing it with you whom he loves. Please, pass it on.


This is a question asked by someone who is going through pains, struggles, sickness, debt, disappointment, family crises, abandonment, financial crisis, marital problems, job problems, e.t.c Act 14:22 Strengthening the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

God did speak through the early Apostles to warn and to encourage us that we MUST go through trials and tribulations to enter into His Kingdom. Please, note God did not say we are to go through one tribulation but He said "MUCH (MANY)".

There were times in my life when I did cry "Why Must I Go Through This ?".

Being a Christian does not mean you will not go through many trials and tribulations. Remember what King David wrote in Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the LORD delivers him out of them all.

No matter what you are going through right now God shall deliver you from them all. Just be patient and hold on.

The very moment of my crying "Why Must I Go Through This ?" there was an absolute silence. But after many years, the answer came. Different persons who are going through what I went through began to approach me for help. I see myself counseling people with my experience. It is only someone who has been through sufferings that can speak or write on sufferings.

Whatsoever you are going through is to enable you manifest your best. Trials and tribulations will open door for your best to manifest.Know that everyone must attend the "UNIVERSITY OF TEARS"and graduate from it to help others. What you are going through is for many souls to benefit from you. Do not give up on your dreams in the midst of storms. Your best is about to manifest. It is your turn to shine and to rejoice. Just surrender all to Jesus Christ. He is at your front right now saying "Cast your burden on Me for I care for you". PlS, enjoy this video clip "I wouldn't known" by James Fortune and Fayi

Stay blessed and see you next week by the grace of God through our Lord Jesus Christ.